Freak Show

  • Freak Show Crime novel ISBN 978-3-86789-140-0 224 pages

    Jörg Juretzka’s atmosphere-laden urban crime stories set in the Ruhr are gritty and full of fantastic heroes – like the master of slowness in his first book »Tingle«, who mistakenly winds up in a madhouse as a beastly murderer, or the wonderful slot-machine king who has one vice too many with his penchant for cocaine and gambling.
    Now the cult series continues with »Freak Show«! Kristof Kryszinski is back, and his tenth case promises plenty of crazed characters, bone-dry commentaries and unorthodox investigative procedures. Kryszinski’s casebook is full, and with four cases at once the Ruhr urban detective has more than enough on his hands. While guarding wheelchair users from bored teenagers, tracking down child molesters, looking for a Bugatti, and protecting a major construction site from supposedly innocent neighbors, however, it slowly dawns on him that all of these things are interwoven – and that he himself is caught in the mess!


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    : Italy (Meridiano Zero): »Prickel«, »Alles total groovy hier«, »Der Willy ist weg«